Well, it's the end of another training week and all I can say is good riddance! It was a very rough week for me. For anyone who knows me, knows I've been sick and boy has it been a brutal cold. I haven't had a cold like this in years. I'm usually not one to be drug down by colds and such. This one put me down more days than I liked. I felt SO frustrated. Not even with being sick... which is funny... but just sidelining my running. I have worked too hard to let a cold take me back. On Wednesday I tried to meet up with my running buddy Nikki. I couldn't even run a block. I had no air and it was just miserable. We ended up walking almost the entire 6 miles. VERY frustrating attempt and I felt bad for Nikki that is training for a half two weeks before mine. She stuck with me the whole time though. As soon as the run was over I went to the doctor. It turned out I just had a cold. That'll be $70.00 thank you very much! The doctor did give me an inhaler to try and some cough medicine for night time. I decided on taking a few more rest days as well... even though this was very irritating. I had a long run planned for Sunday and it was coming up quick! I was a bit nervous considering my performance on Wednesday. By Saturday I felt like maybe I should try to get in an easy run. I went to the complex and ran on the indoor track. I did an easy 4 miles (funny for me to say that!) and I had great time. I felt good and ready for my long run. That's about the last of the feel good moments!
Sunday morning came and it was clear and sunny. A sure sign to get outside and run 10 miles in the crispy, winter weather! Yeah, right. It was 29 degrees when I left the house. I'm SO stoked for warmer weather when I don't feel like my runs take up my entire day. Right now they do... I wait around for the warmest part of the day... planning when and what I eat around when I am going to run. Then I get ready and head out. By the time I am done with my long runs, the day is over and it's time to shower, start dinner, and basically go to bed. A bedtime that has gotten increasingly earlier and earlier with training. Tonight I may need to go to bed at 8:00pm. SOOO, I headed out today (Sunday) at noon to meet up with Nikki. Our run down to Liberty park was awesome. I felt good... it seemed I dressed well... and was shaping up to be a very nice 10 miles. That was until we started around the park. Then all the fun drained out of this run for me. We met up with Elizabeth and off we went. It was a VERY tough run for me. All I can say is I did it. It was cold and miserable. The only reason I got through this is that Nikki is pretty damn entertaining! My only hope is that I get a LOT better at it in the 4 weeks to come. I could not have done 3 more miles today. NO WAY! But... I keep reading "Trust in the plan. The plan will get you through." I've also read that giving yourself 16 weeks to train for a half marathon is not enough time when you've never been a runner. SO? This should be interesting :D
On the bright side, I was shaving last night... something I do on a very rare occasion in the winter, and I have CALVES! Who knew they were in there hidding?
Here's hoping for a much better training week this week! I get to do this next week's long run in, what I hope to be, sunny Fort Lauderdale! I am leaving next Saturday on a cruise! I cannot wait. It certainly will be a different experience than I am used to while cruising. No partying all day and night... no binge eating... but mostly... I have to RUN! What the hell was I thinking?!!! So I probably won't have a blog update until I get back. I'm hoping to take some nice photos on my runs. I am already wondering how many damn laps on the ship equal a mile?? Probably some insane amount. I guess I better take my clicker :D
Here is a photo from today as I headed out to meet Nikki. DO NOT let the pretty, blue sky fool you. It's COLD! Bitter cold! 29 degrees cold! And dodging ice is no fun. I'm not that coordinated yet :D
Have a great week to anyone who reads my story :)

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