Wow! What a week it's been. I hit a 200 mile milestone, I survived my first 10K race and I completed most of this week sick. It's been a brutal week. I finished up this week with an even 20 miles. I didn't get any cross-training in this week. It was hard enough just to get my miles. I did finish out my first year of running with 215 miles. YAY!
I talked my running buddies into signing up for the New Year's Revolution Run. I read about it awhile back and thought it sounded like a great thing to do to finish up the year. It was held inside our Olympic Oval. This is the venue where they held all the skating events for the Olympics and still carries the record for the fastest ice track in the world.
I came down with a nasty cold on Wednesday. Luckily I got my Tuesday run and my Wednesday run in before the worst of it hit. Since I had this 10K looming on the horizon for the weekend, I decided to take a couple of rest days and see if I could kick the cold. Unfortunately that didn't happen. But I was determined to go anyway and see how I felt once I started running. It ended up being such a great run. It certainly wasn't my best time, but for how I felt starting this race, I can't believe I ended this run with an overall pace of 12:18. The race and my pace left me feeling really good about myself. YAY me! I also have the coolest of running buddies. Who knew that we would connect in this way of such an easy, new friendship. I'm grateful to them both. I told them both when we got to the race that they should leave me and just let me run my pace because I was hacking up both my lungs and just felt like poo... both of them said "no way... we run together." We had such a great time and I settled into a pretty decent pace and was feeling pretty dang good overall. I LOVE the facility where this race was held. I wish it was closer to my house so I could run there all the time. The surface was awesome, and it was interesting watching the speed skaters practice inside on the ice track... and there are bathrooms and a snack bar. It's a win win :)
I think I am officially addicted to race bibs. It's probably one of the reasons that I followed through on the race yesterday. You can't keep a bib if you don't race with it. I think that rule is written somewhere. I hope I have a new year of many many race bibs :D It sure would be nice to finally get a medal! Jeeze!
As for New Year's Resolutions go... I am not usually one for making them. They just seem like a lot of unnecessary pressure we put on ourselves. BUT... I thought of one that is probably healthy for me and should be something I am doing anyway. I will try to take my vitamins every day this year. I am SO bad at this. I have good intentions, but it doesn't happen very much. And by not much means I maybe took them 5 times last year. I know... I suck! But... this year, I am going to try to take them much more than 5 times :) Also... unless there is an unforeseen accident or injury, I would like to run 1,000 miles this year. This is a totally doable goal for me if I stick to the running schedule that I am running now. I don't have to get all crazy to do it, but I do have to stay motivated and consistent. It's only 83 ish miles a month, SO... that's what I am going to try to do this year. Also for the New Year (and this is ONLY if I do not die during the Surf City Half) I have my sights set on a few races. I haven't looked into 5Ks and 10Ks but they will be scattered throughout, but medal races I plan to do are:
Surf City Half - Feb 5, 2012
Salt Lake City Half - April 21, 2012
Chicago Half - Sept 9, 2012
Fort Lauderdale Half - Nov 11th, 2012
Progress - well... it's not noticeable to the naked eye this week. That's for sure. But... I will say that my shins finally feel like they are connected to my legs again. They don't scream like they used to and I don't think I had to sit with my peas at all this week. YAY! I have a pretty hard running schedule coming up this week so I am hoping this cold leaves me feeling more human after tomorrow. Uggg!
35 days until the Surf City Half Marathon! Woohoooo!

Elizabeth, me and Nikki - New Year's Revolution 10K

Lucky # 211 - That's me :)

My best photo from this week's training runs.

This is a super cool thing I bought this week that keeps track of laps... either running or swimming. It will show your fasted lap, slowest and average. It's a pretty cool thing if you have to run on a track.

SO, my friend Nikki read in Runner's World that bison is supposed to be a really good energy snack for the runner... well, I just had to buy some for us to try. Truly wasn't bad. It didn't make either of us run like that guy on the cover though... dammit!
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