Happy Holidays!!!
Well, I finished up another week of training! YAY me! I finished up the week with 24 miles! Woof! I had some great running buddies this week. I only ended up running alone 1 day. So cool. I had one day this week where I ran the track at the athletic club. It takes 7 laps to make a mile and boy was it tough to keep track. I ended up getting my 4 miles in but I won't make a habit of doing this at the gym. The air here has been awful and it's been oh so cold, so I thought it would be nice to try moving my run inside. But running outside, if possible, is sooooo much better than running on a treadmill or around in circles on the track. I'm VERY ready for some spring and summer running!
So this week's long run was a blast! First of all, it was the longest run I've EVER done. 8.24 miles long! Nikki and I headed off from our houses and ran down to Liberty Park to meet Elizabeth again. I was planning on 7 miles... Elizabeth had to do 5 miles... it's roughly 2 miles to the park, so win win. I decided it was time to try some "fuels" before the half so I could see what worked, what didn't... and what made me sick. Today we tried Jelly Belly Sports Beans, Shotbloks, and the Honey Stingers. I wouldn't say I noticed much of a difference overall or with my energy level, but I guess it is amazing that I made it over 8 miles. So maybe there is something to them? I do know we laughed and laughed trying these things. I like the Jelly Belly beans the best as far as consistency and flavor. They are easy to just pop into your mouth and they taste pretty good and take your mind off of running while you are chewing them. So I guess that's something. I didn't like the Honey Stingers much at all. The thing with any of these energy shots that are used electrolyte replacing is that you need to take them with some water. I have been trying to train with my water over the last few runs so I can get used to carrying something. It's going pretty well. It would be a lot nicer if it weren't so cold.
Sooo... I have 43 days until my first half marathon. YIKES! But before that, I have a super duper Caribbean cruise that I am going on with one of my besties, Debs. This week we were able to take advantage of an incredible price-drop and upgraded ourselves with the savings to the Aqua Spa category of rooms. I've been dying to try these rooms. Being a travel agent and all it would be lovely to see how these cabins rate against the others. I know they are all basically the same, but the one thing these cabins come with is the ability to eat at the specialty restaurant called "Blu". It's more of a culinary event and not so much a huge dining room experience. The reason why we've never tried Aqua Class before is if all your friends aren't in that category, you all can't eat together. WHICH is one of the funnest things about cruising. SO, since this cruise is just the 4 of us, we decided to try this category. I'm way excited about it. This cruise is going to be WAY different than all of my other travels. I am going to have to RUN! LIKE every day run! And my first double digit run is while I am on vacation. Yikes! On one hand it has to be better than running in this bitter cold I've gotten used to, but... it will be a huge difference on how I usually behave on vacation. Should be interesting.
I started reading a fascinating book this week called Born to Run. A friend of mine has been suggesting it since I started this crazy project. Well... all the reviews are right. It's a VERY interesting book. Even if you aren't a runner and never plan to be. The story is incredible. It's about a hidden tribe in Mexico called the Tarahumara, otherwise known as the Running People. They run hundreds and hundreds of miles every week in SANDALS! Anywho... a portion of the book is about all the shoe companies that have sold everyone on the idea that you need a better and better shoe... to make you go faster and further. And how this really isn't true. Anyway... lots and lots more to the story. I highly suggest reading this book. Even if you aren't a runner. Great book!
Ok... so the half marathon is right around the corner and I read a few things about custom t-shirts are a MUST for marathons (or half in my case). I wanted something to mark my cousin and my incredible experience together. SO, I made us running shirts. I bought the clip art on Etsy (a site I love!) and designed these babies. I think they turned out SOOOO CUTE!!! They arrived this last week and must say the sizing ran a bit smaller than the website specified so hopefully I don't look like it's a sausage casing by February... oh well if so :)

I want to start doing one thing on my runs starting next week. Every day I want to try and find something to take a photo of. Either cool, or funny... or just me looking like a fatso in my layers of spandex. Something! I can spend the whole run trying to decide what that is. I really wanted to get a photo today or video really, of Nikki running like a lunatic after having an energy shot. It was SOOOO funny! You had to be there, but she took off like a SUPER fast runner, kicking her butt while doing so... FUNNY shit!
Anyone have any New Year's resolutions? I haven't thought about it much. Maybe I'll try to think of a good one while running this week. I feel like I've already tackled some major things, albeit a bit early :) they may have to do... My friend Nikki is going to try and run 2012 miles in 2012. I really think she should try and quit using drugs that make her sound crazy. Just say'n...
One thing happened on today's run... a feeling came over me that said "Ok, I got this." I was under 4 miles shy of doing a half today! So... 6 more weeks of training? I can totally do this, right?
Tonight is Christmas eve and this time last year we were in the Children's hospital watching my daughter undergo a Bone Marrow transplant that lasted until the wee hours of Christmas morning. Today is her second FIRST birthday. What a difference a year makes. Tonight we watched Christmas movies, had a few martinis and ate junk food. It was a perfect day! Happy first birthday to my daughter, Alex!
Well, that's about it for this week's training. I found another friend on Daily Mile this week and we are hoping to meet up for a run this week also. YAY! It's SO much more fun having someone to run with.
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