Dan and I were off to Key West!
Friends we had met on our 2004 cruise had been inviting us to join them in their condo in Key West for several years. We finally decided that it would be a good time to take them up on the invite. Dan and I flew out to Fort Lauderdale a few days before we were to meet up with our friends. We picked them up at the airport and headed down the keys. What a gorgeous drive.
We stopped about 1/2 way to Key West at Islamorada. It was hidden in the bushes along the road and had THEE best blackend mahi mahi sandwiches that I have ever eaten!
Kathy and I saw this sign driving down the Keys... we hit the breaks and backed up to get a photo.

Dan and I decided to rent scooters one day. I had never done this before so was a bit nervous. It was the funnest thing! We tootled all over Key West. It was a fantastic day.

The marker marking the Southernmost point.

Dan has been wanting to practice his seaplane skills for awhile and he finally had the chance to do it. He saw a sign advertising seaplane rides and decided if he could pay the guy to let him practice his take offs and landings... I was just the action photographer. Dan wants one of these planes at his lake house some day... me, not so much :O)