The river outside our hotel
Cool art in the city...
A very nice walkway that leads all the way out to Navy Pier.
The walkway along the river... this fountain goes off every hour (I think)
The lobby of the Hyatt Regency
Fox and Obel... a great grocery store we stumbled upon. I wish we had one! olive oil counter... with free tastings!
The cool cheese shop in Fox and Obel
Navy Pier was just covered in fog... I saw this cool ship anchored to the docks.
Navy Pier
This is one of the buildings along the river ride.
We stayed at the Hyatt Regency... on the right... hard to see. It was an excellent hotel in a great location!
A great walkway along the river. I love it here!
For any of you that live here in Salt Lake, and want to know what's going in by the VA hospital... it's the Corner Bakery. This was a great spot in Chicago and all over the place. SO... hopefully it will do well here because it was great!